
Past Event

Corporate Responsibilities for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with Klaus M. Leisinger

October 20, 2015
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
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SIPA, IAB, Room 402

CCSI and SIPA’s MPA in Development Practice Program hosted a special Development Practitioner Seminar: “Corporate Responsibilities for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” with Klaus M. Leisinger, President, Foundation Global Values Alliance; Special Advisor, UN Global Compact on Post-2015 Development & Business Ethics.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development describes a thorough societal transformation on a global scale. Changes must be introduced on the international scale (fairness of trade), national scale (good governance for sustainability), in business (towards a new definition of integrity), and all human beings within their sphere of influence. Multinational corporations with enlightened leadership can play a significant role.

Klaus Michael Leisinger, founder and President of the Foundation Global Values Alliance (2013), is Professor of Sociology at the University of Basel (special areas Development Policy, Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility), and Special Adviser of the UN Global Compact on the Post 2015 Development and Business Ethics. He is member of the Consortium Board of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), as well as of the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, initiated by UNO General Secretary Ban Ki-moon and directed by Professor Jeffrey Sachs. Until 2013, Leisinger headed the development cooperation Foundations of the Swiss pharmaceutical corporations Ciba and Novartis for more than 30 years.