
Past Event

Committee on World Food Security Special Session - Side Event

June 3, 2021
3:30 AM - 4:30 AM
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Title: Operationalization of the VGGT through Innovative Mechanisms in Open and Transparent Land Governance


  • Land Portal Foundation
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI)
  • Open Data Charter
  • Liberia Land Authority
  • The Chandler Foundation


  1. To gain practical lessons in how governments can adopt open and transparent systems in land governance for the benefit of land stakeholders, which increases food security and nutrition.
  2. To hear from leading women voices on how better governance of land acquisitions can enable government operationalization of the VGGT for the benefit of stakeholders, including indigenous peoples.
  3. To hear about new and innovative initiatives from leading authorities that are contributing to improved land governance.