In June 2011, CCSI released a consultative draft report on Resource-Based Sustainable Development in the Lower Zambezi Basin, the result of a year-long inquiry into how the vast resource deposits in the Tete province, combined with other major investments along the Nacala and Beira corridors, can be the basis for sustainable, equitable and inclusive growth in the Lower Zambezi Basin. The report recommends a framework of actions by the Government of Mozambique and its public and private partners to ensure that Mozambique reaps a major boost to economic development from its vast resource endowments, while also respecting the profitability of private-sector investments in these important projects. The consultative draft was presented in Mozambique in June 2011 to serve as the basis for discussion, comment, and engagement with the range of stakeholders, including government, the private sector, development partners, regional banks, and civil society.
During the summer of 2012, four Columbia graduate students from SIPA’s Masters in Development Practice program, traveled to the Nacala Corridor to prepare a baseline assessment for implementation of national development priorities along the corridor. From 2013 forward, CCSI and its Earth Institute partners will work with the government and other stakeholders in the Nacala and Beira Corridor region to implement the development strategies recommended in the draft report.