
Past Event

Asia FDI Forum III: China-European Union Investment Relationships: Towards a New Leadership in Global Investment Governance?

May 11, 2017 - May 12, 2017
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The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Graduate Law Centre

Two global economic powers: the European Union (EU) and the People’s
Republic of China (PRC) started negotiating in 2014 what could be the
largest Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) ever concluded. A BIT between the
PRC and the EU will cover the investment activity of two billion people,
easily making it one the most influential international investment treaties
in the world. Standards will be set and lines drawn for the future
investment cooperation due to the leading role both parties have played in
the global spread of BITs.

The Asia FDI Forum III gathered top academia, government, company and civil society practitioners on May 11-12, 2017 in Hong Kong, to discuss regional investment trends, highlight specific features of China’s and EU’s investment treaties and policies, and explore the various legal and policy implications that the treaty currently under negotiations between them will have.

Organized by the Faculty of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development, and Tsinghua Law School, with the support of the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment and the World Economic Forum.